Children's Program


Why do children love Taekwondo? One basic reason…because it’s fun! And parents love it because of the life skills and values their children learn. Learning martial arts is a physical endeavor, involving all muscle groups to help develop a student's physical fitness. But our emphasis goes far beyond just learning martial arts techniques. At Master Moon Summit Martial Arts, we use the martial art of Taekwondo as a mechanism to develop positive character and life-improvement skills in our students.

Taekwondo also develops skills that empower children to stand up to bullies. Bully prevention with martial arts isn't about kicking and punching skills. It’s about gaining confidence to stand up to the tormentors.

Taekwondo also has a set of values and interwoven in the journey, children learn fundamental principles that serve to build character while developing strong bodies. In the course of training children not only learn how to develop their physical technique in the martial art, but also how to behave in everyday life toward other people.

At Master Moon Summit Martial Arts, your child will:

  • Become more fit and focused
  • Learn the importance of treating others with courtesy and respect
  • Understand the value of self-control and the power of cooperation
  • Gain the ability to set and achieve goals that will help them to overcome any obstacle
  • Practice perseverance and not give up when faced with challenges.